sign-ups Sat. Jan. 23 Enon Elementary @ 9 to 12
sign-ups Thurs. Jan. 28 Hustead Cafeteria 6 to 8
sign-ups Sat. Jan. 30 Enon Elementary @ 9 to 12
late sign-ups Jan. 31st thru March 1st Late sign-ups only accepted if there is availability / Late Fee $5 per player
Meeting Thurs. Feb. 4th Enon Elementary @ 7pm -- parents are welcome to attend (not a requirement)
Draft/Meeting/Mand. Coaches mtg. Thurs. March 4th Enon Elementary @ 6:45pm T-ball and Coach-pitch (For coaches only)
Draft/Meeting/Mand. for Coaches only Thurs. March 4th Enon Elementary @ 7:30 pm Fast-Pitch (For coaches only)
coaches contact players week of March 9th If you have not heard from coach by March 17th call Sarah Young @ 323-6918
Practices Start end of March/beg. of April **coaches may start prior to this date. **weather permitting
meeting Thurs. April 8th Enon Elementary @ 7pm
Fast-pitch U10 & U12 games begin Somwhere around May 1st **u15 start mid-May
Workday for parents/coaches Sat. May 1st @ 9 to ? Enon Elementary softball fields 9am rain or shine. EVERYONE welcome/needed!!!
Opening day/picture day Sat. May 15th Enon Elementary softball fields.1st day of games for t-ball/coach-pitch
**includes fast-pitch pictures and possibly games.
Memorial Day weekend May 29,30, 31 no games Fast-pitch may still have games (schedule done by the county)
Softball vs. Baseball (tentative) July 3rd moms of softball vs. moms of baseball @6pm Coaches vs. coaches @ 8 pm
All-stars coach-pitch TBA Tentative.. Wed. June 23rd at 6:30 pm
games over By July 4th **all regular season games will probably be over by July 4th. **weather cooperation required!
Fast-pitch tournament TBA County league tournament usually 2 weekends (**last weekend in June and 1st weekend in July)
4th of July Parade July 4th Players may ride on float in 4th of July parade. Time TBA
Closing Ceremonies TBA Aiming for Sun. June 27th @ Guant Park & pool in Yellow Springs 7:30 ceremony 8to10 pool party
End of Season meeting Sept. To summarize season
Election of Officers Oct. TBA **Meetings are the first Thursday of every month at Enon Elementary at 7pm
Come and get involved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Officers: President Jay Young 323-6918/605-4761
V-President Shannon Gossett 864-1594
Secretary Sarah Young 323-6918/408-1168
Treasurer Tim Ware 864-1384
**calendar subject to change