Ages: 9, 10 (Cannot be born before 1/1/99) Pitching Distance: 35 ft.

Base Distance: 60 ft. Ball Type: RIF Level 10 Softball

Game Length: 6 innings Run Rule: 15 runs after 4 innings, 8

runs max per inning except last inning


League rules are the same as Modified Fast Pitch Softball per the Ohio Federated Softball Association (restrictions relating to bats and pitching are waived), including and/or except as follows:


1.      Players will be called out and ejected from the game for intentional roughness.


2.      Players are not permitted to wear steel spikes.


3.      All players should have numbers on their uniforms.


4.      All batters and base runners must wear full protective helmets and catchers must wear protective equipment including helmets, and throat protectors.


5.      Pitchers may not pitch more than three (3) innings per game. A pitcher may re-enter at the pitching position one (1) time and one (1) pitch constitutes an inning.


6.      Base runners cannot lead off until the ball crosses home plate. If a base runner is observed by an umpire leaving a base too soon, that runner is out – NO WARININGS; NO EXCEPTIONS.


7.      A base runner beginning a play at 3rd base can only score when:

a)                  Walked in with bases loaded.

b)                  Batted in


8.      Infield fly rule is not in effect.


9.      A defensive team will consist of ten (10) players and four (4) outfielders playing at equal depths. All defensive players must play at a normal depth and position.


10.  A batter is automatically out on the third strike and cannot attempt to run to 1st base.


11.  No new inning may start 2 hours after the 1st ball is pitched.


12.  All players present are included in the batting order.


13. No more than 3 batters can be walked in any inning. After 3 walks a batter can

only reach base by hitting the ball or being hit by a pitch.